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"Dass Yordanova & Kyurkchiev längst ein erstklassiges Klavierduo sind, zeigten sie gleich damit, wie sie die Ballettmusik "Petrouchka" (1911/47) von Igor Strawinsky in der Fassung für zwei Klaviere kongenial an die Tasten meißelten, ebenso korrekt wie quicklebendig gestaltet."



"Das Klavierduo beweis in Franz Schuberts Rondo A-Dur op.107 D951 seine gleichfalls vorhandene Kompetenz für die Artikulation und Phrasierung hochromantischer Sanglichkeit."



"Das Klavierduo behielt auch dort immer die klangliche Übersicht, wo die Musik sich fast im Gestrüpp verliert, besonders in Max Regers prachtvollen Fuge."


                                                             Ingo Hoddick

                                                             Rheinische Post, Duisburg




" vollkommener Klarheit und Homogenität die differenzierten Charaktere der Themen und Motive energiegeladen und auch nachdenklich lebendig werden ließen..."


"...sensibel ausgeleuchtet!"


                                                             Roland Dymke

                                                             Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung,




"Contrary to the expected formal mechanical simultaneousness and to the tendency for convergence of individual styles, the two artists interacted creatively and brought forth a new entity. It embodied the individuality of each and produced a richer and more provoking sound with specific polyphonic power and multilayered texture. This approach to co-authoring the performance revealed hidden potentials in the music, added hues and shades, and brought to the ear the effect of orchestra."



"Their imagination culminated in a spectacular way with The Rite of Spring (1913) by Igor Stravinsky"



"No other classical duo I have listened to playing The Rite of Spring has ever offered such a radical interpretation which so unconditionally, but also logically, and with such a perfect musical integrity re-examines tradition and creates a different type of entity, a self-contained form..."



"This was a sound of remarkable force, intensity, vibration which is seldom heard in concert halls..."


                                                              Ekaterina Docheva

                                                              Kultura, Sofia


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